The Mongolia Expedition is a naive student dream that has come true. With years and outings this adventurous research project situated in one of the few countries not yet explored has gained in importance, and prepared unforgettable experiences for dozens of participants who decided to discover something new in the field of science.


Our team consists of employees and students of Mendel University in Brno and invited external experts who have set themselves the goal of exploring and bringing closer to the world the unique and rapidly disappearing nature of Mongolia.

Our international cooperation in Mongolia has historically included mainly Canadian partners from the University of Manitoba and the Mongolian University of Science and Technology. Currently, intensive cooperation is taking place mainly with the Mongolian University of Life Sciences and the German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology.

Our expeditions are based primarily on the research work of students. Each of the students completing a trip to Mongolia chooses topics that they intend to address in teamwork with other members of the expedition. These topics are directed to the field of natural sciences and in recent years deal mainly with the degradation of forest ecosystems, degradation of permafrost, aridization and desertification, environmental contamination, etc. Students have the opportunity to prepare a research report on the obtained material or in the form of a final thesis required for the successful completion of studies at our university. After previous experience, we can say with certainty that the data we obtain are for most areas one of the original scientific information and are gradually becoming the starting point for practical use.

Our main goal is to help Mongolia in several areas, but especially in the fight against aridization and desertification, and thus in nature protection. We try to create a theoretical basis for sustainable management of natural resources and in the form of monitoring the state of the environment also to improve the living conditions of the local population. We try to pass on the acquired knowledge not only in the form of scientific outputs, but also various projects and education of local people. This approach is essential for the protection of unique nature, especially forest ecosystems in the Khentii region, where most of our research takes place.

The support of MENDELU and a number of sponsors has always been absolutely necessary for the successful course of preparations and own expeditions. We would like to thank all our colleagues, the management of LDF and AF MENDELU, Asolo, Bosch, Gaz, Geotest, Opinel, Terra Rosice, Warmpeace and many others for it.